Pets are accepted for grooming only under the following circumstances….

The pet is fit and healthy. Grooming which takes place on an elderly or infirm pet will be at the owner’s risk. Grooming may expose pre-existing health\skin conditions for which So Fetch! Grooming LLC cannot be held liable.

The pet’s rabies vaccine is up to date (as required by law) unless otherwise discussed.
In the event of an emergency, in your absence, you authorize So Fetch! Grooming LLC to contact the nearest Veterinarian and authorize the Vet to treat the pet as necessary at your expense.

Payment is to be made directly after the service is complete. Payment can be cash, credit, debit, Venmo, Paypal, Cashapp, or Zelle. Our rates are based on the weight or breed of the pet and duration of the groom. Nail cutting and ear cleaning are part of the service unless the process is too stressful for the pet or too dangerous for the groomer.

“De-matting” or complete coat removal will dramatically alter your pet’s appearance. This procedure may expose pre-existing health\skin problems for which So Fetch! Grooming LLC cannot be held liable. Shave shock can also occur for any double coated dog opting for a shave down. Allergic reactions to shampoos and other products used can occur and I agree to waive So Fetch! Grooming LLC from any and all liability.

1. Cancellations

Cancellation and rescheduling of an appointment, by the client, requires 48 hours notice to waive the non-refundable grooming deposit. In the event of inclimate weather, a family emergency or any other uncontrollable circumstance, the groomer has the discretion to waive the fee within the 48 hour period.
We reserve the right to cancel or reschedule a groom if we feel the need to do so. Every effort will be made to reschedule at a time convenient for both the client and the groomer.

2. No-Shows

It is considered a “no-show” when the client is not available at the scheduled appointment time and does not contact the groomer to cancel or reschedule.

We reserve the right to keep the FULL grooming deposit due to the loss of revenue caused by a “no-show”. Please make every effort to call and cancel or reschedule when possible to avoid such situations.
We reserve the right to refuse service to any pet or client for any reason.

3. So Fetch! Grooming Agreement and Liability Policies

Customer releases So Fetch! Grooming from any and all liabilities,
financial, and otherwise, for injuries to Customer, Customer’s pet, or any other
property of Customer, which arise in any way from services and/or products
provided by or as a consequence of Customer’s association with So Fetch! Grooming
including, but not limited to, veterinarian bills.

I am aware that neglect of my pet’s coat can be a cause for problems after
grooming such as clipper/brush irritation. If my pet is wiggly or doesn’t remain
still during the grooming procedure accidents can happen such as nicks from
clippers or scissors. Customer must be the legal owner of the pet and must provide all up-to-date vaccines including rabies.

So Fetch! Grooming requires customer to be home at time of grooming.
I understand that So Fetch! Grooming may take pictures of my pet(s),
before and after grooming, for their website, advertising and training.
Customer authorizes So Fetch! Grooming to act as my agent in the
event emergency including veterinarian services, boarding, caretaking, and/or
transportation as necessary and I agree to pay all costs.

Customer assumes all liabilities, financial and otherwise, for the behavior and
health of their pet. In consideration of the services rendered by So Fetch!
Grooming Customer waives any and all claims, actions, or demands of any
nature, foreseen or unforeseen, against So Fetch! Grooming.
I do here by entrust my pet(s) to So Fetch! Grooming for the purpose of
grooming my pet(s). I am aware that all due care will be taken with my pet(s) for
the safety of pet and groomer.

Print Name________________________________________________

Signature_________________________________________________ Date____________